Biochemical processes and environmentally friendly applied chemistry
typically take place in aqueous solution. The solvent-solute interactions,
particularly between charged or polar reactants and the water environment,
are strong enough to have a dramatic impact on the chemistry taking
place in solution. For example, the free energy barrier of the prototype
S2 reaction between Cl
and CH
Cl, studied in
chapter 3 is changed from 9 kcal/mol in the gas phase to
27 kcal/mol in aqueous solution, leading to a difference of 13 orders
of magnitude (!) in the reaction rate at a temperature of
Besides the effect of solvation, the solvent molecules can be actively
involved in chemical reactions, for example via their ability to transfer protons
and hydrogen atoms as was shown in e.g. chapters 5
and 6. This way, the solvent
environment can completely change reaction mechanisms by opening
new reaction pathways. Both types of solvent effects, we have studied
on a variety of chemical reactions in water on a microscopic scale
using the method of ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD).
AIMD is a very powerful simulation technique as it combines electronic structure
calculations by way of the density functional theory (DFT) method with
classical dynamics of the nuclei, so that both chemical reactions
and solvent dynamics can be accurately modeled.
The performance of AIMD to model liquid water and ionic solutions
such as HCl(aq) (chapter 3) and FeCl(aq)
(chapter 5) was found to be very good for
structural parameters such as radial distribution functions and
coordination numbers and reasonably accurate for dynamic properties,
e.g. the self-diffusion coefficient of bulk water and the
acidity constant of [Fe
(chapter 4).
The accuracy of the intra- and inter-molecular interactions was found
to be in general in the order of 1 kcal/mol.
Although the AIMD technique is without doubt the state-of-the-art
of the computer simulation methods available for these systems,
calculations on "chemistry in water" are still far from trivial, simply
because chemical reactions typically occur on a much longer time scale
s) than the time scale accessible to AIMD
s), so that reactions during AIMD simulations are
considered rare events.
A very effective technique to obtain information on the rare but
important moment of transition state barrier crossing is the
method of constrained molecular dynamics. With this technique,
the system can be constrained to move only in the sub-space at a
certain (fixed) point on a reaction coordinate. In chapter 3,
we employed the method of constrained molecular dynamics to compute the
free energy barrier of the textbook identity S2
reaction between Cl
and CH
Cl in aqueous solution. The solvent
environment not only causes a dramatic increase of the barrier height,
but affects the total free energy surface, which in the gas phase has
the typical double-well shape. In aqueous solution however, endothermic
solvent rearrangements approximately cancel the 11 kcal/mol exothermic
reactant-complex formation, so that the free energy profile becomes
unimodal. Our result for the free
energy barrier of the S
2 reaction in aqueous solution
of 27 kcal/mol is in surprisingly good agreement with the
experimental number of 26.6 kcal/mol, considering we encountered
two important error sources for which we had to correct. In the first
place, we found that DFT with the Becke-Perdew exchange-correlation
functional underestimates the transition state energy barrier by as
much as 8 kcal/mol, which could be attributed to an artifact in the
description of symmetrical "three-center four-electron" bonds, such
as the
-bond in Cl-C-Cl by present-day GGA exchange functionals.
Secondly, the free energy
profile showed a hysteresis leading to an error of 3.2 kcal/mol in the
barrier height, which was traced back to result from a too slowly
adapting solvent environment. We found strong indications that the
rearrangements in the solvation shells of the attacking and leaving
Cl's (the coordination numbers of which change from five and one
respectively in the reactant state to two and two respectively in the
transition state) are in fact activated transformations. Although the
trivial solution to the hysteresis problem would be to perform (much)
longer constrained molecular dynamics simulations, one should be
aware that the computed potential of mean force is a function of the
chosen reaction coordinate and always will result in too low a barrier
if activated environmental changes are not described by the reaction
coordinate. An important lesson is to always check on the amount of
hysteresis by repeating the constrained molecular dynamics exercise
in the reverse reaction direction. Nevertheless, we showed that we can
very accurately compute the energetic and entropic effects of the
solvent environment on a prototype chemical reaction, using AIMD.
After this instructive study on the elementary S2
reaction, we devoted chapters 5 till 8
to the very versatile Fenton chemistry. The term Fenton chemistry
denotes a broad range of oxidation and radical reactions initiated
by the application of a mixture of iron(II) ions and hydrogen
peroxide in aqueous solution, also known as Fenton's reagent.
Although Fenton's reagent
has found many applications and has been the subject of countless
studies which have led to an even further broadening of the field by
incorporating other transition metals, metal ligands and solvents,
understanding of this type of oxidation catalysis was still clouded
by many open questions concerning, most importantly, the reaction
mechanism(s) and the nature of the
reactive intermediate(s). The main experimental difficulty, the
detection of the very short-lived reactive intermediates (possibly
hydroxyl radicals or high-valent iron-oxo species), is not a problem
for theoretical methods. Modeling of Fenton chemistry is nevertheless
very challenging because it requires an accurate description of a
number of complicated and simultaneously occurring processes, in
particular, 1) the aqueous solvation dynamics, 2) the transport of
protons and hydroxyl radicals along H-bond wires in the solvent, 3)
the changing oxidation state, charge and spin-state of transition metal
complexes, and 4) a number of chemical reactions, among
which the O-O lysis of H
, hydrogen abstraction and hydroxylation
of organic substrates, hydrolysis of metal ligands and radical reactions.
In chapter 5, we set out with the computation of the
energetics of the two main reaction mechanisms proposed in literature
for the reaction between iron(II) ions and hydrogen peroxide, starting
from the [Fe(H
in vacuo. We found that the more popular Haber and Weiss mechanism,
in which the very reactive hydroxyl radical is formed, is endothermic
by 21 kcal/mol. The alternative Bray and Gorin mechanism, producing
the much contested ferryl ion ([Fe
) via an
iron(IV)dihydroxo intermediate on the other hand is exothermic by 8 kcal/mol,
with two minor reaction barriers, the highest being 6 kcal/mol.
These preliminary static DFT calculations already revealed
the importance of solvent effect, as e.g. the micro-solvation of
a single H
O molecule reduces the second reaction barrier from 18 to
less than 4 kcal/mol. Using AIMD, we computed reaction pathways of
the reaction between an iron(II) ion and hydrogen peroxide in aqueous
solution, with two different starting configurations. Starting from
coordinated to the hydrated Fe
ion in water, we
observed the formation of the ferryl via a two-step mechanism, very
similar to the static DFT results in vacuo. That is, first O-O
bond lysis takes place, forming [Fe
and an OH. radical. The OH. is very short-lived and travels
rapidly via H-abstractions along a H-bond wire through the solvent to
terminate at a water ligand of an iron complex in a neighboring periodic
supercell, thus forming [Fe
(and a water molecule). The acidic iron(IV)dihydroxo species is seen
to be in a dynamic equilibrium with its conjugate base, via hydrolysis
taking place at the water ligands. In the second step, the ferryl ion
is formed as hydrolysis takes place at one of the OH ligands, donating
a proton to the solvent, which was not seen to return. In the second
starting configuration, we included the coordination process by starting
from separated but approaching reactants, H
(which has a vacant coordination
site) in water. Again the ferryl ion was formed spontaneously, but now
via a direct mechanism, as the intermediate OH. radical produced
after coordination and simultaneous O-O lysis, directly abstracts the
-OH hydrogen.
Visualization of the computed AIMD trajectories by movies, showing at
a microscopic scale and in slow-motion the coordination and
subsequent chemical reactions,
gives a very clear impression of the mechanisms and relative
time scales of these complex processes, which
chemists denote with such abstract reaction equations as:
Fe(aq) + H
(aq) + H
A disadvantage of our limited number of illustrative reaction
pathways is of course the poor statistics, which do not allow
e.g. to predict which of the two observed mechanisms
(i.e. two-step vs. direct mechanism) is more favorable,
let alone to compute a reaction rate. Another problem is the
construction of the initial configurations of the systems, which
in all cases involved unphysical geometric constraints, which could make
the simulations less representative. In chapter 7, we
attempt to tackle these problems, by generating new reaction pathways
using the transition path sampling technique. Starting from the computed
trajectory in which the separated reactants coordinate and react via
the direct mechanism, we generated two new reactive pathways by randomly
choosing a snapshot of the old trajectory, making small random changes
to the atomic momenta and integrating the equations of motion forward
and backward in time. On connecting the reactant state and the product
state, the new pathways were accepted and used to branch of again
two new pathways and so forth. This way, we computed two sequences of
both 10 reactive pathways in order to obtain relaxed pathways, which
no longer have a memory of the artificial construction of the initial
pathway. In both sequences of pathways, the reaction mechanism changes
from the initial direct mechanism to the two-step mechanism. In the
first new pathways following the two-step mechanism, the OH.
radical jumps via two or three solvent H
O molecules to a
neighboring periodic supercell to termination, forming the
iron(IV)dihydroxo intermediate as already seen when we started from
the [Fe
(aq) complex.
But in the last generated pathways, the OH. radical terminates
at the same iron complex as where H
coordinated (instead
of a periodic image) via a very short H-bond wire involving only
one H
O molecule. This trend was rationalized in
chapter 7 from the fact that, along the sequences of reactive
trajectories, the solvent relaxes in particular around the reactants as
it loses the memory of the artificial preparation of the starting pathway.
The H-bond wires in the solvent which are formed during the solvent
relaxation are followed by the OH. radical after O-O lysis, which
makes the two-step mechanism more favorable than the direct mechanism.
Having established the reaction mechanism and the formed reactive
species for the reaction between iron(II) and hydrogen peroxide in
water, we focused on the mixture of iron(III) and hydrogen peroxide
(known as the Fenton-like reagent) as iron(III) can be formed
in Fenton chemistry, and the Fe/H
mixture is known
to be also capable of oxidizing
organic substrates, albeit less reactively than Fenton's reagent.
In chapter 6, we show that O-O lysis of hydrogen
peroxide coordinated to pentaaquairon(III) is energetically
unfavorable in contrast to the iron(II) case. The formation
of a Fe(III)-OOH species by donation of H
, as proposed in
literature cannot realistically be modeled by static DFT without
the proper inclusion of the solvent, which screens the strong
electrostatic interactions during this charge separation process.
In a number of AIMD simulations of Fe
and H
aqueous solution, we indeed observe the spontaneous formation of
the iron(III)hydroperoxo species. The DFT calculations show that
homolysis of the Fe-O bond and the homolysis of the O-O bond
are likely candidates for a second step in the Fenton-like
mechanism, in particular favoring the latter in which both a
ferryl ion and a hydroxyl radical are formed, when hydrolysis
of the iron complexes is taken into account.
Still, the reaction energy of this O-O homolysis of
is +26 kcal/mol
in vacuo. In aqueous solution, we have computed the free
energy barrier of the O-O homolysis to be
using the method of constrained molecular dynamics. Hydrolysis
is indeed seen to play an important role as we observe the
increasing acidity of the iron complex during the reaction.
Analysis of the vibration spectra of the iron(III)hydroperoxo
species in water confirms a reduced O-O bond strength and
an increased Fe-O bond strength when the high-spin (
iron complex is brought to the low-spin (
) state,
as suggested by Raman spectroscopy studies. Using metal ligands
that induce the low-spin state, we expect therefore a further
reduction of the O-O homolysis endothermicity.
The observed spontaneous formation of the ferryl ion from
Fenton's reagent alone is no prove that the ferryl ion is indeed
the active intermediate capable of oxidizing organic substrates.
In chapter 8, we have therefore studied the
oxidation of methane to methanol by the ferryl ion in
aqueous solution. We have investigated in particular two reaction
mechanisms suggested in the literature: 1) the methane-coordination
mechanism, in which the methane molecule first coordinates to the
metal and transfers a hydrogen to the oxo ligand forming the
intermediate, after which
the CH
ligand is transferred from the metal to the hydroxo
ligand, forming methanol in the second step, and 2) the oxygen rebound
mechanism, in which the ferryl ion first abstracts a hydrogen from
the methane molecule forming an pentaaquairon(III)hydroxo intermediate
and the CH
. radical which rebounds in a second step back to the
oxygen forming the methanol. Our DFT calculations strongly favor
the oxygen rebound mechanism, as the reaction energy barrier for the
hydrogen abstraction from methane is only 3 kcal/mol compared to
23 kcal/mol in the methane coordination mechanism. Moreover, the
water-methane ligand exchange required for the methane coordination
mechanism adds an endothermicity of 23 kcal/mol in vacuo.
Overall, the oxidation of methane by the ferryl ion is exothermic
by 47 kcal/mol. Our results show strong similarities with the
methane oxidation by enzymes, such as methane mono-oxygenase and
cytochrome P450. Inclusion of the full solvent environment again
shows the importance of these effects when dealing with charged
species. Using constrained AIMD, we estimated the free energy
barrier for the H-abstraction in the oxygen rebound mechanism
to be 22 kcal/mol, much higher than in the gas phase.
We have shown that correct inclusion of the solvent effects usually changes severally the results of computer simulations on chemistry in aqueous solution. Not only the chemical reaction energetics is almost always modified dramatically, but also the extra degrees of freedom provided by the solvent molecules can open new mechanistic routes, which are not found for the reaction in vacuo. These effects should not be neglected, when studying chemical reactions that typically take place in water. We found that the Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulation method is a most powerful technique to compute physical properties of chemicals in solution and to obtain microscopic insight in solvent structure and solvation dynamics. The most important limitations that we encountered involve the quality of the present-day DFT exchange-correlation functionals and the rather high computational demand of the method in combination with our systems. Nevertheless, first principles computer simulation of rare events in aqueous solution is no longer out of reach, not even the simulation of such complicated systems as transition metal catalyzed oxidation reactions in water.