The isolated
complex is internally stabilized by a hydrogen bond between the
-oxygen of the peroxide and an adjacent water ligand,
see figure 5.2. The produced
OH. radical is in the gas phase immediately quenched
by H abstraction from that water ligand.[145] To investigate this shortest
possible OH. radical transfer without any intervening solvent molecules we
started a second AIMD simulation, from the last configuration of the
equilibration run of the previous simulation and induced this hydrogen bond
by constraining the distance from the H
-oxygen to an H
of an adjacent H
O ligand to the value of
from ref franco1. The Fe-O bond constraints were released
after 1.5 ps. and the remaining peroxide
bond and
the induced hydrogen bond were released after 1.93 ps. Also in this simulation
the peroxide dissociates almost immediately. The hydroxyl radical remains
hydrogen bonded to the water ligand for 300 femto-seconds and then
abstracts the hydrogen (as in the gas phase computation)
to form a water molecule and again the
iron(IV)dihydroxo complex. The simulation was continued for 6
pico-seconds more in which occasionally a proton was donated by a H
ligand to the solvent and vice versa
(equation 5.4) but this time no iron(IV)-oxo complex
was formed.
Also exchange of one of the water ligands with a solvent molecule was
observed once in this simulation, but no migration of a ligand to the
second coordination sphere.[178]
The spontaneous formation of the internal hydrogen bond in the pentaaqua hydrogen peroxide complex is not expected to be as likely in the solvent as it is in the isolated situation, because the hydrogen peroxide ligand can form hydrogen bonds with solvent waters instead of forming the five membered ring (see figure 5.2) via the adjacent water ligand. However, the reaction path via the internal hydrogen bond illustrates a special case of the OH. radical quenching, by transformation of a water ligand into an hydroxo ligand, namely a path without any solvent molecules involved.
We observe that the iron(IV)(di-/tri-)hydroxo complex, which in
the first simulation transformed to the iron(IV)-oxo moiety soon after
the first step, does not do so in the present simulation. The reason for
this spread in the lifetime of the hydroxo complex can be understood
if we assume that reaction 5.5 is only likely
to occur if the system finds itself on the left-hand-side of reaction
5.4, i.e. from the dihydroxide.
The complex should not already have donated a proton from a water ligand
to the solvent to form the trihydroxide.
This assumption is endorsed by the reaction energy kcal/mol
of gas phase reaction 5.7,
Although this number is of course modified in aqueous solution
due to the solvent effects, it is clear
that a second hydrolysis after one of the water ligands
has already been hydrolyzed is energetically very unfavorable.
If hydrolysis
of a water ligand has already taken place, it can take some time before
the proton traversing through the solvent ends up on the complex again,
providing a new possibility for reaction 5.5
to occur in which the iron oxo is formed.
At high pH the equilibrium of reaction 5.4 will move to
the trihydroxo complex side, which provides us with an explanation for the
reduced reactivity of the aqueous Fenton reagent at pH 5.[176]
Note however, that the main reason to employ
non-chelated Fenton chemistry at pH as low as 2-3 is the very low solubility of
iron at higher pH.