We have successfully applied the reaction path generation technique used
in transition path sampling in order to obtain relaxed
reaction pathways of the reaction between pentaaqua iron(II)
and hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution. The initial
reaction pathway which was the subject of this relaxation
procedure showed a rebound mechanism in which the hydrogen peroxide
O-O bond dissociated at HO
coordination to the
iron(II) center, after which the leaving OH. radical
rebounded to abstract the intermediate Fe
-OH hydrogen,
forming the ferryl ion and a water molecule.
We generated two sequences of ten reaction pathways from
this initial path in order to obtain pathways which have
lost the memory of the artificial construction of the initial
pathway. Along these sequences, we found a shift to a new
mechanism in which the leaving OH. jumps via a solvent
water molecule and abstracts the hydrogen from a water ligand
forming a dihydroxo iron(IV) complex and a water molecule.
The mechanistic change can be rationalized as the result
of the proper reestablishing of the solvent structure
around the reactants, which had been broken up in the artificial
generation of the initial pathway. It is to be noted that the
``mechanism'' which emerges from these transition path sampling
experiments is precisely the one found in our earlier AIMD
simulation, starting from coordinated H
and was indeed already indicated by gas phase calculations