The electronic structures were computed using density functional theory (DFT) (see e.g. ref DFT). For the exchange-correlation functional we used the Perdew-Zunger [43] parameterization of the local density approximation (LDA) for this functional, which is based on the free-electron MC simulations by Ceperley and Alder [35]. Density gradient corrections were added, namely the Becke-88 gradient correction for exchange[67] and the Perdew-86 gradient correction for correlation.[38]
The Car-Parrinello (CP) method[49] was applied to perform both
dynamic and static calculations. The method performs the classical MD and
simultaneously applies DFT to describe the electronic structure,
using an extended Lagrangian formulation. The characteristic feature
of the Car-Parrinello approach is that the electronic wave function,
i.e. the coefficients of the plane wave basis set, are dynamically
optimized to be consistent with the changing positions of the atomic nuclei.
The actual implementation involves the numerical integration of the
equations of motion of second-order Newtonian dynamics. A crucial
parameter in this scheme is the fictitious mass associated
with the dynamics of the electronic degrees of freedom. In practice,
has to be chosen small enough to ensure fast wave function
adaptation to the changing nuclear positions on one hand and
sufficiently large to have a workable large time step on the other.
In the present work, the equations of motion were integrated using the
Verlet [68] algorithm with a mass
kg, which limits the time step to
fs. To maintain a constant temperature of
K a
Nosé thermostat [69] was applied with a period of 100 fs.
The CP simulations have been performed using the CP-PAW code package
developed by Blöchl. It implements the ab-initio molecular dynamics
together with the projector augmented wave (PAW) method.[24]
The PAW method uses an augmented plane wave basis for the
electronic valence wave functions, and, in the current implementation,
frozen atomic wave functions for the core states. Thus it is able to
produce the correct wave function and densities also close to the
nucleus, including the correct nodal structure of the wave functions.
The advantages compared to the pseudopotential approach are that
transferability problems are largely avoided, that quantities such as
hyperfine parameters and electric field gradients are obtained with
high accuracy [33,34] and,
most important for the present study, that a smaller basis set as
compared to traditional norm-conserving pseudopotentials is required.
The frozen core
approximation was applied for the 1s electrons of C and O, and up to
2p for Cl. For H, C and O, one projector function
per angular-momentum quantum number was used for - and
momenta. For Cl, two projector functions were used for
- and one
-angular momenta. The Kohn-Sham orbitals of the valence
electrons were expanded in plane waves up to a kinetic energy cutoff of 30 Ry.
For reference, we also performed static DFT calculations using the
atomic-orbital based ADF package.[70] In these calculations, the
Kohn-Sham orbitals were expanded in an uncontracted triple-
Slater-type basis set augmented with one 2p and one 3d polarization function
for H, 3d and 4f polarization functions for C, O, and Cl.